Tag Archives: Business

Old Jeans into Skinny Jeans!

4 Dec

Welcome to my pile of jeans that need a little TLC! They may have gotten into this pile for various reasons – they don’t fit, they aren’t in style anymore, they got taken in to get hemmed and the lady made them too short and they are now high waters (frustrated voice there), or I haven’t worn them in a few years.


Why did I hang onto them? Honestly – because I don’t know how to get rid of things and thought I could make SOMETHING out of it one day..


Welcome to that day! My sister sent me a pin from pinterest about how this girl made her not so cool jeans into skinny jeans. It took me about two seconds to try on all of the jeans that were in my “I don’t know what the heck to do with these” pile 🙂


Then the magic happened! First I put them on inside out, pulled the sides tight and pinned them so that they would be form fitting. If you’d rather not pin yourself in your jeans you can try using chalk to mark the line.


Then I took them off and ran them through the sewing machine. Be sure that you have a thick needle for this (mine is an 8 for jeans) or your sewing machine is going to take a toll and you might bend or break your needle.


Before you do anything else, be sure to flip them right side out and try them on. It’s going to feel weird having that extra flap of fabric but this is the only way that you’ll know if it fits you right before you finish them off and can’t undo it!


If it’s not how you wanted, rip out the seams and try again! If it is take really nice sharp scissors and cut along the link of your seam without hitting your stitching.

Then you can iron the edges down or let it wash and dry into shape. I like to wear mine around and break them in for the day 😉


What do you think? Actually – it’s probably best you don’t tell me what you think – because after doing this whole thing I realized I hate the way I look in skinny jeans.. oh well!

Love Always,


Unexpected Storage

28 Nov

This week I was rearranging my kitchen and cleaning it out of things we don’t use anymore. Is it just me – or do I do this about every three months or so? Anywho, I came across this container of popcorn that we got – minus the popcorn that is. I can’t believe that I held on to for a while because I liked the way it looked – but I’m so glad I did 🙂

I never had a purpose for it or really a reason to keep it but I love how pretty and shiny it is! Even better now that it’s winter time again so it goes along with the theme of the weather 🙂 After looking around the house for a while I decided where I wanted to put it.

Most of the time when I’m finding a home for a new place I like to replace it with someone older that isn’t serving it’s purpose anymore, or could use a little TLC. I found just the spot I needed to fix!

My yarn basket gets pulled out every time I’m doing a few projects at once. Since I have show coming up on the 15th, I have been multi-tasking with my list of things to finish up. This basket is obviously getting a little too much love because it’s overflowing and not so pretty anymore!

I decided I could easily fit my yarn in the new bucket with no problem. After filling it up I realized I had extra room on the top to put whatever current project I’m working on and still close the lid! Extra space is definitely key for me to keep things organized. If I limit myself – mess happens fast!

Then I put it right where I do my crocheting, next to the couch but enough out of the way that it isn’t bombarding my space. So while it looks like a decorative tin of goodies – it’s really my project stash of goodies!

I love free ways to store items!
Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,


Oh Hello Studio <3

17 Nov

Most of you know that I’ve been doing a lot of crocheting lately instead of sewing. Well this weekend is the first weekend in the past few months that I’ll actually have time to be in my studio!! It’s going to be so refreshing to be back in that room with loads of time and a list of things I want to make! Plus Brian will be distracted playing COD with the guys so he won’t even miss me 😉

Here’s a little sneak peak at what I hope to get done this weekend:

I’m going to be sewing buttons on the new cozies. I’m always hand sewn them so I’m going to give my sewing machine a run for it’s money! When these are finished they’ll be up in my shop for purchase.

After my sister’s wedding, we packed up the burlap squares and they’ve been sitting in this pretty box waiting for me. Well, I’ve finally found a project for them! I’ll be making placemats out of these!

I also have a pile of clothes that need some TLC. Since I’m under 5′ it’s really hard to find clothes that fit appropriately without looking like a teenager, so I have collected a pile of clothes that don’t really fit right. There are some jeans I want to turn into skinny jeans, some pants that need hemming, some t-shirts that need to be taken in, and some sweaters that weren’t getting any attention that will be turned into decorative pillows!

I’m going to have some serious fun this weekend. What are you doing this weekend?


Love Always,


The Next Big Step!

6 Nov

Most of you know I own an etsy shop online where I sell all the crafts I make! What most of you don’t know is that I’ve been working on opening my own online shop!

It took a lot of time and budgeting and designing – but it’s finally here!! You may notice that not all of my things are up on that store yet as I’m still adding listings and pictures. Slowly this store will be packed full of everything I’ve made 🙂

If you click on the shop page you can see everything or sort by sections. There will more sections as soon as I get more items listed 😉

Clicking on the listing gives you all the details you need and extra pictures (which most only have one but soon will have a bunch for each!)

Checking out is super easy too – just like Etsy, all you need is a paypal account which is safer to use rather than your credit card. You add your items to the cart. Click checkout, then it will take you to paypal.

My favorite thing about Etsy was it was so personal and I could do custom orders really easily. Thanks to my contact page I still can! It’s just as easy to get in touch with me and under the Shop tab I’ll be adding a Custom Order section. So if you are looking for a custom order you wanted from me you can easily find it there!

I’m so excited to finally have my own shop! Soon you’ll see a button over on my the side there —-> with my new site on it so it’s easy to find! Even though I’m doing this – I’m not closing my Etsy shop. I won’t be adding any new listings over there but I’ll still be there!

Hooray for the next big step – I’m excited to see where it takes me next!

If you are interested in checking it out it’s www.daydreaminggifts.com

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,

How I Coupon

9 Oct

Today’s post is going to be about how I coupon. There are so many different ways to coupon and so many different techniques for saving money, so I decided to share mine!

I keep my coupons in a binder that has a billion pockets in the front. It holds coupons that aren’t necessarily for the grocery store but that way all my coupons are together. I have a divider for my grocery store points cards, a section for the coupons I want to use currently, and the notebook pages for my lists of what I need. Behind those are how I sort my coupons – I use sheet protectors to keep everything organized and easy to flip through for searching.

I start out with the latest pile of coupons from the newspaper and my binder. I thumb through the coupon pages and if I find one I like I take the entire page out. If there’s coupons on the back that I like also I dog-ear the page to remind myself when it comes to sorting time! After I’ve gone through and separated out all the coupons I want – I throw away the excess pages.

Once I’m down to my small pile of coupon pages – I sort by expiration date and get them ready to add to my existing coupons. Before I add them in I go through and take out the coupons that have expired or are going to expire before I make it to the grocery store. Once I’ve done that I take the empty sheet protectors and add them to the back so they are ready for new pages.

Then I start adding in the new pages. For the coupon pages that have a coupon I want on one side and nothing good on the other I will put it in the sheet protector with another facing the opposite direction. That way when I’m flipping through I look at both sides and there’s something I want on each side. If I have dog-eared the coupon page because there’s something on either side – I’ll put that page in the sheet with nothing behind it so that when it’s flipped I see the back as well.

Because my mother-in-law is awesome and gives me her coupons that she doesn’t use – sometimes I’ll have multiple sheets. As you can see above on the left hand side I have multiple Domino coupons. I pile them together and put them in one sheet protector. Since they have the same expiration date it keeps me from flipping through pages of the same coupons and if I decide I want more than one I just peek in to see how many pages of that coupon I have!

This works great for things we buy often like crescent rolls and yogurt. It may have an expiration date of 12/31/2012 and I have three different pages of that same coupon and expiration. I’ll use one each time I make a run to the grocery store so I save three times and I’m only hogging up one sheet protector.

Once I get all the coupons in their sheets by their expiration date, I take a look at my two weeks grocery list. This is a list I came up when I was sick of trying to figure out what all ingredients we had and what dinner I could make out of it. I spent a day gathering breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner ideas and wrote down what ingredients I needed for each meal. You can check out my list of meal ideas here!

This list keeps me from standing in front of the refrigerator trying to figure out what we have and it gives me a full two weeks worth of meals for each day. Plenty of options!! Another thing I did to make this as easy as possible, I put what I buy in order of the how I go through the grocery store. This keeps me from having to read the whole list while I’m in the grocery store trying to make sure I didn’t miss anything. (Yes I’m that annoyingly organized about it!)

After I make the list of what we need to restock for the two weeks – I flip through the coupons and see which ones match up with what I’m buying. Sometimes there’s a lot! Sometimes there’s nothing. Each time I find a coupon that’s expiring that we might not necessarily need but I’d like to use the coupon so I’ll buy it. I keep these off to the bottom right so that I know if I’m hitting my budgeted amount I can take those items off my list since we don’t really need them.

After I’ve pulled out the ones I’d like to use on the next trip – I cut them out so it’s not a huge piece of paper and count up all my savings off my coupons. Then I put them in the pocket and all I have to do when I’m ready to go shopping is grab my notebook!

This two weeks I’ll be spending about $80 and with coupons alone I’ll have saved $14. Once I get there and buy everything on my list and use my points card I end up saving another $10-$15 dollars. After my grocery run – I’ll update at the bottom here and let you know how much I saved exactly!

How do you organize your coupons?

If you are interested to see how I prep my food after grocery shopping – I have a post called Preparation Meets Opportunity about it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,


Officially Coupon Crazy

30 Aug

Today is my shopping day! After two days of hard work and preparation I found one three free items and one item for .67 cents. I’d call that a jackpot when it comes to couponing! Seeing as how I am brand specific and I only shop at Harris Teeter and Target, as well as get all my bulk items at Sams Club – it really limits your chances of finding items for free. Well this time I WIN!! ❤


Wish me luck 😉


Love Always,



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Frame It!

20 Jul

When you don’t know what else to do – FRAME IT! I love these little frames and I’ll continue to make wonders with these things. What better way to show off things you love than framing them for all to see? My little girl is getting her name framed for her birthday party 🙂

Here’s the start:

I’ll be adding ribbon to hang them from – now I just need to decide where to hang them 😀 That’s the best part!!


Thanks for stopping by!


Love Always,


Sew Paper!? What A Fabulous Idea!

15 Jul

Here’s another sneak peak at something I’m making for Emma’s Birthday Decorations. I gathered up some scrapbook paper I had laying around, a punch I got for Christmas, and made string paper that I’m hoping to hang from the doorway! I’ve seen this idea everywhere but here’s one of my favorites from Pinterest:

So here’s what I did:




Now I just need to make a 100 more 😉 Haha!!


Thanks for stopping by,


Love Always,


Living in Fabric

13 Jul

I’ve stored fabric in so many different ways I can’t even begin to explain it! But what I can explain is that if you can’t see it – you’ll forget you have it if you have as much fabric as I do.

This was my previous way of storing fabric. Which was actually working out quite well for me until I moved into my studio and didn’t take this handy cabinet with me..

What happened to that fabric? It got stuffed in under the bed bins like this:

Under both tables you can see boxes and boxes stacked with fabric. One thing that I can’t stand – not being able to see fabric or having to search through, under, and around a pile just to find what I’m looking for. So what was my solution?

Since that old cabinet is filled now with yarn and stock grocery items I had to come up with a better plan. I cleaned off this old shelves we had in storage that were holding paint cans. My dad is building a shelf to put all the cans on so I went ahead and snatched them up, cleaned them, and hauled them to the studio space.

Welcome to my new way of knowing what fabrics I have and where the heck they are! Now if only find a way to stash scraps that are easier to find.. that will be my next thing to tackle 😛

Thanks for stopping by!


Love Always,


Pink Puff Preview!

12 Jul

Part one of doing Emma’s Third Birthday party a DIY adventure I am making tissue paper puff’s to hang on the ceiling as well as a centerpiece here and there! I scoped out online the cheapest places to buy tissue paper but was having trouble finding a place that had all three colors. Looking back on it, all three places had free shipping so I’m a dummy and now I’m going to go order the rest online for cheaper 😉

But any who! You can get a pack of 20 sheets of tissue paper for $1.99 at Party City. Most places that show these tutorials say to use 8 sheets of tissue paper. But since mine come in backs of 20 – I used ten. I also think it gives it a “fuller” affect. So if you want to easily calculate how much these suckers are going to cost you – expect about $1.00 a puff! That’s some cheap decorating, especially since these things come out to be about a foot in diameter!

As you can see – instead of making mine completely round – I left the bottom of it a little flat so that it again would make the rest of the fuller as well as sit on a table easily. I still don’t think I’d make them completely round for hanging them unless you want to hang them really low. Mine are going to be pretty close to the ceiling since we have a lot of 6″ tall people and this is a basement apartment!

If you want to see a slideshow tutorial on how to make these – I did a smaller size tutorial a long time ago here: Paper Flower Power

or you can just search on YouTube – Tissue Paper Puff.

If you are interested in DIY decorations, I’ll be posting more as I get them done for Emma’s Birthday!

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,