Tag Archives: Specialty

Unexpected Storage

28 Nov

This week I was rearranging my kitchen and cleaning it out of things we don’t use anymore. Is it just me – or do I do this about every three months or so? Anywho, I came across this container of popcorn that we got – minus the popcorn that is. I can’t believe that I held on to for a while because I liked the way it looked – but I’m so glad I did 🙂

I never had a purpose for it or really a reason to keep it but I love how pretty and shiny it is! Even better now that it’s winter time again so it goes along with the theme of the weather 🙂 After looking around the house for a while I decided where I wanted to put it.

Most of the time when I’m finding a home for a new place I like to replace it with someone older that isn’t serving it’s purpose anymore, or could use a little TLC. I found just the spot I needed to fix!

My yarn basket gets pulled out every time I’m doing a few projects at once. Since I have show coming up on the 15th, I have been multi-tasking with my list of things to finish up. This basket is obviously getting a little too much love because it’s overflowing and not so pretty anymore!

I decided I could easily fit my yarn in the new bucket with no problem. After filling it up I realized I had extra room on the top to put whatever current project I’m working on and still close the lid! Extra space is definitely key for me to keep things organized. If I limit myself – mess happens fast!

Then I put it right where I do my crocheting, next to the couch but enough out of the way that it isn’t bombarding my space. So while it looks like a decorative tin of goodies – it’s really my project stash of goodies!

I love free ways to store items!
Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,