Tag Archives: Coupon

Our Little Family.

21 Nov

It’s not often that the three of us go out together. If we are all home then usually one person stays with Emma and the other will run errands or one of us will take Emma out while the other stays home. Since a majority of the time Brian and I are both working there isn’t much time that we have together that overlaps and when we do we like to spend it together being lazy and enjoying each other’s company.

My schedule this year has picked up and we’ve been working a majority of four days a week instead of three – which I am not complaining about all! I love providing child care and watching the girls play together. Brian’s schedule is a normal Monday – Friday schedule but he has most Tuesdays off.

Almost every Tuesday I dedicate to running errands, getting groceries, and getting ready for the next week. I like to do all those things during the week because it’s so crowded on the weekends so it’s much more relaxing to go while everyone else is busy. Saturday’s and Sunday’s are when I get to work in the studio or we have family events. It’s a rare occasion around here when we don’t have at least one thing to do on the weekend.

Thanks to thanksgiving break this week and last Tuesday doing 99% of my errands for two weeks – this Tuesday was going to be an easy day. I only had one errand to run and we were all going out as a family together 🙂 Since this doesn’t happen often I like to soak it up and enjoy it!

I spent the morning getting ready, doing my hair and make up (which hardly happens), getting Emma ready, and cleaning up the house so we’d come home to no chores. Once we were all in the car I snapped a picture of Emma:

I think she was pretty excited about going out with both of us. We went to Harris Teeter to pick up rolls for Thanksgiving and a few other things. Watching Brian push her in the cart and chat with her was adorable! I don’t know what it is about men and their children but it makes my heart melt!

After wiping one Harris Teeter out of rolls we realized we needed to make another stop at a different Harris Teeter. Emma found it amusing that we were going to another grocery store!

It wasn’t much but I loved it.

How I Coupon

9 Oct

Today’s post is going to be about how I coupon. There are so many different ways to coupon and so many different techniques for saving money, so I decided to share mine!

I keep my coupons in a binder that has a billion pockets in the front. It holds coupons that aren’t necessarily for the grocery store but that way all my coupons are together. I have a divider for my grocery store points cards, a section for the coupons I want to use currently, and the notebook pages for my lists of what I need. Behind those are how I sort my coupons – I use sheet protectors to keep everything organized and easy to flip through for searching.

I start out with the latest pile of coupons from the newspaper and my binder. I thumb through the coupon pages and if I find one I like I take the entire page out. If there’s coupons on the back that I like also I dog-ear the page to remind myself when it comes to sorting time! After I’ve gone through and separated out all the coupons I want – I throw away the excess pages.

Once I’m down to my small pile of coupon pages – I sort by expiration date and get them ready to add to my existing coupons. Before I add them in I go through and take out the coupons that have expired or are going to expire before I make it to the grocery store. Once I’ve done that I take the empty sheet protectors and add them to the back so they are ready for new pages.

Then I start adding in the new pages. For the coupon pages that have a coupon I want on one side and nothing good on the other I will put it in the sheet protector with another facing the opposite direction. That way when I’m flipping through I look at both sides and there’s something I want on each side. If I have dog-eared the coupon page because there’s something on either side – I’ll put that page in the sheet with nothing behind it so that when it’s flipped I see the back as well.

Because my mother-in-law is awesome and gives me her coupons that she doesn’t use – sometimes I’ll have multiple sheets. As you can see above on the left hand side I have multiple Domino coupons. I pile them together and put them in one sheet protector. Since they have the same expiration date it keeps me from flipping through pages of the same coupons and if I decide I want more than one I just peek in to see how many pages of that coupon I have!

This works great for things we buy often like crescent rolls and yogurt. It may have an expiration date of 12/31/2012 and I have three different pages of that same coupon and expiration. I’ll use one each time I make a run to the grocery store so I save three times and I’m only hogging up one sheet protector.

Once I get all the coupons in their sheets by their expiration date, I take a look at my two weeks grocery list. This is a list I came up when I was sick of trying to figure out what all ingredients we had and what dinner I could make out of it. I spent a day gathering breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner ideas and wrote down what ingredients I needed for each meal. You can check out my list of meal ideas here!

This list keeps me from standing in front of the refrigerator trying to figure out what we have and it gives me a full two weeks worth of meals for each day. Plenty of options!! Another thing I did to make this as easy as possible, I put what I buy in order of the how I go through the grocery store. This keeps me from having to read the whole list while I’m in the grocery store trying to make sure I didn’t miss anything. (Yes I’m that annoyingly organized about it!)

After I make the list of what we need to restock for the two weeks – I flip through the coupons and see which ones match up with what I’m buying. Sometimes there’s a lot! Sometimes there’s nothing. Each time I find a coupon that’s expiring that we might not necessarily need but I’d like to use the coupon so I’ll buy it. I keep these off to the bottom right so that I know if I’m hitting my budgeted amount I can take those items off my list since we don’t really need them.

After I’ve pulled out the ones I’d like to use on the next trip – I cut them out so it’s not a huge piece of paper and count up all my savings off my coupons. Then I put them in the pocket and all I have to do when I’m ready to go shopping is grab my notebook!

This two weeks I’ll be spending about $80 and with coupons alone I’ll have saved $14. Once I get there and buy everything on my list and use my points card I end up saving another $10-$15 dollars. After my grocery run – I’ll update at the bottom here and let you know how much I saved exactly!

How do you organize your coupons?

If you are interested to see how I prep my food after grocery shopping – I have a post called Preparation Meets Opportunity about it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,


Officially Coupon Crazy

30 Aug

Today is my shopping day! After two days of hard work and preparation I found one three free items and one item for .67 cents. I’d call that a jackpot when it comes to couponing! Seeing as how I am brand specific and I only shop at Harris Teeter and Target, as well as get all my bulk items at Sams Club – it really limits your chances of finding items for free. Well this time I WIN!! ❤


Wish me luck 😉


Love Always,



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Crafts: What to Expect When You Least Expect It!

7 Jul

That’s right, incase you thought that was all I had left, I just went out and bought more fabric for birp cloths 😀 Check it out!

Today was my shopping today and with my new coupon addiction I have done AMAZING. No I haven’t gotten anything free, no I haven’t gotten money back yet, but I will!! I just need a few more weeks of stocking up and a little more organizing on my part. I did however get all the above purchased fabric for half off! What’s that? Yes I did, because of coupons. So go ahead and make fun of me. You can call me a crazy coupon lady, but I haven’t paid full price for mcuh in the past few weeks and I don’t intead to ever pay full price again!

Then updated pictures of what I did yesterday! They look so much better in natural light!!

I am super happy with how they turned out and I can’t wait to see what the new fabric looks like 😀 So all in all, shopping is all I got done today, but that’s what most shopping days turn out to be. Tonight is a different story! B has tennis practice, E and I are going to eat a quick & easy meal, and then it’s back to the crafting table for me! I hope to finish my newest crocheting project tonight! It’s got a few different touches I haven’t done before and I am super excited to show them off!

Stay tuned for more crafty things 😉

Love Always,



Daily Life: Free Is NOT Easy!

19 Jun

Today I spent hours in front of my computer trying to find deals anywhere that corresponded with the coupons I had cut out. I found that to be a lot easier than finding coupons to go with things that are on sale since there’s a thousand sales items and rarely do you have a coupon for 1 out of 10.

I also figured out why extreme couponers or couponers for that matter buy 150 items at one time. Because it’s SERIOUSLY rare that an item goes on sale, there’s a store coupon, AND a manufacturer’s coupon. If an entire day every week dedicating my life to searching sales and clipping coupons, I’d be 150 items at one time too!! Who cares if you need it. YOU FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING FREE!!

I did manage to get a few good deals today. Two $6 – 50 caplets of Advil for three dollars. Crystal light originally $2 down to a dollar. Three boxes of cereal for the price of one (usually $4.99 for one, on sale for 1.99 each and a coupon for $1 of with the purchase of three.) I got a few other things like shampoo & conditioner and Ziploc bags and containers but nothing huge. I also ended up spending 28 dollars so it was definitely not free, but I saved 20 bucks on stuff that my family will actually use. And I only bought 2-3 items at one time.

Although this seems all fun I think I’ve decided to do things a little differently. I’m making my list of what I need. I’m matching coupons, and I’m going to WALMART! I went there today and the amount of sales they have are ridiculous. Of course you can plan for this trip at all. On 95% of their stuff online it says price varies so you can’t really see how much you’re going to save or spend but after walking through it twice today I noticed almost half the things I buy on a regular basis were on sale.. and the stuff that did say the prices online were cheaper than anywhere else around here. Another huge plus about Wal-Mart, if you can actually find something that you can get for free, if the coupon goes over the amount they give you the cash back. I haven’t found any place around here that is willing to do that.

I’m not giving up on finding free things with coupons but I am taking a step back here. Yes there are a lot of good deals out there but most of them will just be ways to get you to spend more or buy more than you planned (three boxes of cereal but hey! I got two free!!). You really have to pay attention to details and I’ll guarantee you one thing. When I do find something free, I am going to be the happiest couponer EVER!! and still not buy but a few because I may be a couponer, but I’m not crazy 😉

So in between all that madness, I took care of E. We went for three walks today!! (Gave Daddy LOTS of him and video game time) Then went out to dinner & dessert for Dad’s day – where I sadly didn’t use any coupons because I wasn’t given the option and no one would let me pay..

I’ll just say that this mommy is tired. My legs are stiff and achy and I am looking forward to tomorrow! Vacation is over but that doesn’t mean the fun is. P starts coming again and she’ll get me back in my routine of things. I think I actually do a lot better when I am in a routine and working rather than on vacation. I get more done and I’m happier about how I spent my day, oh and I get paid 😛

After an eventful day like today.. this girl is going to bed early!

Love Always,


Daily Life: Today’s Events!

30 May

Today I accomplished more than I have in weeks!! This getting back on track and seriously inspired is working!

I started my couponing and although I don’t plan on being an extreme couponer, I do plan on stealing some sweet deals. Instead of just cutting all the coupons I am sticking to the brands I love and what we keep stocked in the house already. No need to go to the extreme and buy things we really don’t plan on using or even like!! I organized them in a little container I had bought for study cards that I was no longer using! Check it out:

Then I did a little shopping 🙂

Serious embroidery possibilities 😀

Magnet canvas for my gift card project

Tracing paper for embroidery projects

Gray felt for a little elephant 😀

Zippers for my nook covers

Cute fabric for nook covers

And a sneak peak of the sailor inspired scarf!

Plus my handy-dandy notebook!

Next to come – embroidery project number one!!

Love Always,


Daily Life: Gift Cards Please?

28 May

Hey everyone! After my past few days being like a rollercoaster I have finally hit inspiration mode! I’m not sure exactly what it is but I can’t stop coming up with brilliant ideas! Well, I hope they are brilliant 😀 Nothing else gets me more motivated than seeing something so thrifty and well made. My next project is going to include recycled gift cards. I have a few of these just lying around in miscellaneous places. I know one of them has like two bucks on it.. but the store is like an hour away and I rarely go! So if you live in Northern Virginia and are weird like me and actually have empty used gift cards send them to me!!

Let’s see how many I can get!

Totally off subject, has anyone been watching extreme couponing!? I dvr’d this show and watched two of them this morning before house shopping. As much as I would love to have a stockpile of food and get as much of it as possible for free I doubt I could ever actually do it. One of the things I noticed with these couponers is that they get packets and packets of the same coupons. Although I have an amazing mother in law who thankfully gives me her coupons I don’t think two packs would cut it. Nor do I have the time to cut a zillion coupons!! I am thinking about at least checking what my grocery store is putting on sale to see if there are coupons to make it free but instead of buying 100 things of toothpaste, I’ll stick to two 😉 Another thing to notice about this show is that they never buy staples like bread, milk, and perishable items. Only one girl so far actually bought stockpiles of frozen foods. She might have been one of my favorites because I just stockpiled my freezer with fruits and veggies. But keep in mind I bought one bag of each from Sam’s and they’ll probably last me 6 months 😀 So when I say stockpile I mean two bags. Haha. Who knows maybe instead of saving thousands of dollars, I’ll just save a hundred or so.

Also completely random: I am crocheting a “sailor” striped inspired scarf. I’m not exactly sure if they are that much in style, but I love them. I’m also going to try to put pockets on them. I saw this scarf that had pockets on the ends so you could put your hands or maybe a cell phone in it. Super cute so lets see if I can pull it off 😉

Lot’s to do! I’ll be busy tomorrow.

Love Always,