Tag Archives: Home Depot

Whew! What A Weekend!

15 Oct

My dad and I did the second phase of prepping the tent today. We spent most of the day figuring out how to hang things throughout the tent and making it stable and look awesome.


It may be hard to tell but since the tent poles make an X instead of going straight across we needed to find something we could use like a pole that could carry weight as well as attach to the tent poles. We went to Home Depot and bought some PVC pipe. My dad drilled holes on each side to attach to the poles and we are using zip ties to connect it to the X poles and to make it sturdy and hold more weight.


After those were in place the rest came together easily. We used Velcro dots to hang up the banner, white plastic chain to hold the bar to hang my scarves on, and zip ties to attach the lattice to the PVC. Putting the tent together the first day is going to be the hardest part! After that, I have a feeling this show is going to be a piece of cake 😉

Only four more days! I’m excited, nervous, and making a mess around here trying to organize it all to pack up:


There’s twice as much stuff that just hasn’t made it to this room yet! It’s going to be interesting to see if it all fits in the car.

Thanks for stopping by!


Love Always,


Shopping Shopping Shopping!

12 Oct

I’ve been shopping up a storm for the craft show coming up and I thought I’d share with you all the things I’ve bought this week!


I bought this jewelry holder at Bed Bath & Beyond for $15! I’ll be using these to hold the crocheted bracelets I make at the craft show.

We found these little easels at JoAnns for $1.99 so I picked up a few to display my frames on.

I bought a few more wreaths for my yarn wreaths! Since I have a little extra time I thought I’d make a few more. These are $4.99 at JoAnns.

These key chains and screw eyes are to make more cork key chains with. The key chains are $2.99 each at JoAnns and the screw eyes are $6.99 each at Home Depot.

If you remember from my post about my craft table set up – I said I was going to fix the hangers so that they were angled more forward. These little dots are going to keep the hangers at an angle so they’ll face forward instead of in a line. These were $3.99 at Target!

I also bought some Command Hooks. These are going to go on the lattice behind the second table to hang the book wreaths and extra frames.

Today I’m making an order for more yarn and trying to find fabric for a new tablecloth for my tables!

Phew – this girl has done too much shopping! But the good news is I am almost all set for the craft show 🙂 I’m so excited I can barely contain myself!

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,


Itty Bitty Desk Redo <3 Part One

14 Apr

Wow what a crazy Saturday it has been for me! One of the things I have been doing in order to improve myself is working out at the gym twice a week. Now that I’ve successfully done the schedule for a little less than a month now I am starting to think about also working out on Saturday mornings – but in a different way. The gym I go to offers free classes and I’m thinking about doing a Zumba-like class. Today I stopped by the gym to check it out to see if it would be something I’d like and I also gave my Dad a tour. This gym is starting to seriously become a family affair 😉

After the gym today I headed to Home Depot with my dad to pick up a few things and start our process of purchasing the things we want to make Emma’s desk. If you are wondering what I’m talking about you can check this post – Play Space Makeover and Play Space Step One Complete! Today we bought the hinges we are looking for and checked out the options for the shelving board. I think we’ll be headed to Lowe’s to see their options and get the rest of the pieces for the desk! So we’ll be starting on that soon 😀

Then I hit the batting cages today! Brian’s work has a softball team that plays against other offices and they are always trying to find girls to play so since I’m a female and I know a little about it softball 😉 I’ve decided to get my practice on! I started slow and worked my way up with the speed and got tired of waiting for my turn so I switched over to the baseball batting cages and ROCKED it! Apparently I’m better at baseball than softball! That was quite a shocker lol!

After that workout and feeling gross I figured I might as well get down and dirty with some crafts while I was already dressed for the occasion. I got out all the supplies and set up camp in the backyard to work on this itty bitty desk I found while thrift to shopping!

Here’s the gorgeous little chair I started with!

I sanded it down real quick with just a light touch to get the shiny cover off of it so it would hold the paint.

I did one coat of white paint which was not enough! I let it dry for about 20 minutes and did another layer.

And TADA! Here is the finished second coat of white just sitting out to dry 😀

This isn’t the finished redo yet though! I have more things in mind to finish off this cute little desk. I’ll be cutting out padding and some fabric to cover the little seat and paint the top of the desk with chalkboard paint for some serious fun! After this dries overnight I’ll be working on the second part tomorrow so you’ll get to see the grande finale soon.

This isn’t the desk we were making for Emma but we’ll see when it’s finished! I was planning on selling it but if we love it we might just have to keep it! ❤ If you want to see what else we found at the thrift store the day I found the desk check out this post – The Perfect Finds!

What did you do today?

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,


Daily Life: Sunshine I need you in my life!

16 Mar

For the past few days I haven’t been feeling my best. I think this up and down in weather is really giving my sinuses a ride! Other than that I have been up to the usual! Watching three little girls grow, being crafty, and  planning (wish listing) what I want for the patio. Friday my dad is going to be power washing it for me and then we are going to Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Babies R Us to see who has the best prices for miniature fences for kids 😛 That’s right we are putting up a little fence around the patio so E doesn’t go running like wild and disappear 😉 I am also taking a look at a few outside fun things to do like this outdoor table that has a side for water and a side for sand! Super fun!!

As for crafting, I have slowly but surely made every scarf longer except I am still working on one, then it’s back to making new colors. I ordered silver, cream, light brown, dark brown, light purple, dark purple, and a light pink. After I do solids with short rows I am going to take a friend’s advice and do long row solids, then mix up the colors 🙂 I am super excited! By the end of this month I should have one of every color completed! If I can do that every two months I’ll have around 130 scarfs made in my year goal 😀 Holy Cow! That’s a tun of scarfs!!

Tomorrow is my every other Thursday running errands day. I’ll be at the grocery store for most of the morning then I am going to Hancock Fabrics to pick up a few things of yarn. I found this really awesome website that I can order yarn for super cheap so when I only need one or two I am just going to Hancock Fabrics but when I get 10 or more, heck yes I am ordering from www.knitting-warehouse.com those prices are just too great to beat!

I also finished reading Pretty Little Liars #2! Lets just say with being sick I literally didn’t want to do anything at all. So reading, napping, and crocheting where pretty much all I did 😉 I’ll be putting up a book review about that later.

Love Always,