Tag Archives: Area

A New Set Up

16 Oct

My studio room has been needing a new set up for quite some time but I never got around to figuring out a plan. What I needed was to get rid of that big square table and find a skinnier one to take it’s place. Once the table was out – rearranging the space was SO much easier!


I can’t tell you how much this frees up the floor space in this room. With the ironing board able to fold up and be against the wall and the small 4×2 table folded up – it gives me even more floor space. I love being here but one of the most difficult things about it is working up here with Emma. There are some days where I just chose not to come here because I’d rather spend time with her but other times I have her with me and try to get as much work done as I can.


Now that there is more floor space for her she can easily play with her toys and not be right at my feet. I also love the fact that I can set her up at the second table and let her color and play there. She loves to imitate me these days so I can just picture her pretending to sew or paint 😉 I’m going to give it a for the next few weeks and see how it goes!


One of the things I am most excited about is my new mini shelf on my desk! This is the third one that I purchased that isn’t going with me to the show. As you can see it’s already over-flowing with goodies so after the show I will be definitely using at least one of these to store things in when I’m in-between shows.

Is it just me or do other people rearrange their spaces every couple months?

Thanks for stopping by!


Love Always,


Play Space Step One Complete!

22 Mar

I told you this would happen fast 😉

For those of you who haven’t read my blog I wrote a post the other day here: Play Space Makeover about what I was hoping to do with Emma’s play space area.

Well it only took a day and I already have the easy half of it complete! Check it out:

I bought the cabinet and bins last night and stayed up late to set it up! I love the way it looks and I’m happy about the height of it. Emma played with it this morning and she is at perfect viewing and reaching height of the books. Of course they are all over the floor right now but I’ll try not to complain about that 😉

Something I’m super excited about that I did not expect is that she pulls out the bin halfway, pulls out the toy she wants, and pushes it back. I thought for sure she’d pull the whole bin out and dump the entire thing on the floor! This may just make our place a little cleaner. The next step I want to do for the bins is to put white vinyl pictures of the items that are in the boxes on the outside so Emma will learn where things belong and we can start a clean up routine!

The toy chest in this next picture is not going to be there but I did it more for a visual:

We are going to be building a little desk right there. We’ll be using white shelving board to create a custom desk that will fit along the length of the wall with a little side table at the end closest to the chair. I think I’m going to be able to fit a few of the floor toys (like the doll house in the bottom right corner) under the desk so that it’s not taking up extra floor space but it’s still accessible.

Thanks to my dad for being an amazing custom building fiend, he’s teaching me what I need to know about building custom pieces. We bought some foamboard and we are going to cut a template out to see what it will look like when we finish! As soon as we get that completed I’ll do another post so you can see it all coming together and then we’ll be buying the materials and getting it ready. While I’m waiting on that step I’ve been keeping my eyes out for little desk chairs that I can fix up like this I found on Craigslist:

The one she is selling is pink so I might paint it back to white but we’ll see 😀


What do you think of the cabinet and bins? Have you thought of any cool ways to store big floor toys? I’d love to hear what you think!


Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,



Play Space Makeover!

21 Mar

Hey everyone! Since I’m having trouble getting anything done around here I thought I’d let you in on my brainstorming projects. Today I’m going to show you what I have planned for Emma’s Play Space. Just so you know, her place space is a little 4×4 area in our living room since we have a small basement apartment. This is what it looks like now:

She’s crammed into this little corner that I tried to make as accessible as possible to her. She still has a huge amount of floor space that she can pull out all her toys and play with but what I’m hoping to do in this process is create an organized area that’s easier to get to and the possibility of her playing in that area as well!

In this picture you can see that she’s also spread out in front of our TV area. Since she has some big floor toys it’s hard to keep them all in one little area so I’ll be working on figuring out a solution for this as well!

Here is her bedroom play area. She spends as much time in here as she does out in the living room so I’m going to try to divide up the toys into what fits better where 😉

So what I have planned is going to be a big makeover! We are going to be purchasing this in white (if you hadn’t noticed I like clean white furniture):

I’m going to be buying these or something similar to these to put inside the cubbies:

and on the cubbies I am going to stick a vinyl decal in the shape of the toy that goes in that bucket – like this but probably in white:

So that is the beginning of my organizing process. I want to get as many toys off the floor as I can and make it so it’s easier for her to put them away and find them again. With the toy bin it makes it super easy to clean, but impossible to find all the right toys. Now that Emma is old enough I’m really excited about teaching her how to put her toys away in a defined area!

Okay so her little corner consists of two walls. The cubbie cabinet will be on one wall and on the other wall I want to build a simple small desk. Similar to this picture but without the cubbies on top or bottom.

Then right off the end of that table attached to it, I want to build a little triangle side table so I can put her tan chair next to it facing at a better angle to the TV (yes she likes TV and yes I let her watch it – don’t yell at me 😛 haha)

If you aren’t one of those people who can easily picture something I’m super sorry! Good news about this project is that it will be starting up soon so you’ll get to see it all happening in no time!

What do you think about my makeover ideas? Do you have suggestions for those big floor toys?

Thanks for stopping by!
Love Always,
