Tag Archives: YouTube

My Little Super Hero

9 Jul

Emma beans has been watching a super hero show called Word Girl and has completely fallen in love 🙂 After “flying” around the room and singing that she was a super hero I decided to ask her if she wanted some super girl hero swag. She looked at me like I was nuts! Then I said, “Emma would you like me to make you a super hero cape?” Her response?

001Giddy excitement 🙂 After looking at a few YouTube tutorials – I knew this was going to be a piece of cake!

004I measured my little girl, made a template with the sizes on it and got my materials out and ready!

005First step was to draw out the template on the material. Since this is just play clothes I wasn’t exact in my measuring or drawing.

007Before I cut out the second piece I made sure this was going to fit!\


009After I cut out the second piece I ran it under the iron real quick (remember it doesn’t need to be perfect! It’s play clothes!)

010Next I took a piece of felt (since it doesn’t fray) and used a bowl to cut a circle.

011I hopped on the computer and printed out a letter e. I chose a lowercase because I thought it would look better with the curves of the circle! (Plus it’s easier to place in the middle!)

012I put my black felt under the letter e, pinned it, and cut it out. I removed the paper e and then hand stitched the felt e onto the circle. It might be easier to use the sewing machine instead of hand stitch but I was too lazy to change out the bobbin 😉

013Next I put the circle in the middle of the cape and did a quick sew line around the circle. Not perfect at all but again it’s play clothes!

014I put the two pieces back to back and did a quick sew all along the edges leaving a small part at the bottom to flip it inside out. Ran it under the iron real quick, and did a fun stitch at the bottom to seal that end in.

015Most people would sew all the way around for a finished look but this is supposed to be a quick easy project so just finishing of the end was good enough for me!

016Next I put snaps on the ends to keep the cape on. Obviously I butchered the first snap so I did a second 😉


I like the thick straps in front with the snap – something about string just drives me crazy!

018And Tada! We have a little super hero in our house! Emma is crazy in love with her cape 🙂 Her one disappoint was that she thought once she had a cape – she’d be able to fly!! Poor thing was a little flustered but she wouldn’t take it off all day!