Tag Archives: Road trip

A Road Trip!

20 Jun

Emma and I took a Road trip to go to a baby shower!

The adventure started out real exciting – and by real exciting I mean Emma passed out within 15 minutes of being on the highway 😉

It was quite a quiet ride 😉

Photo: Perks of staying at the God Mommys house :)

Emma’s favorite part? Probably the HUGENORMOUS lollipop 🙂

We had a great time catching up with everyone and can’t wait to see the girls again!

Now that Emma’s older, I feel like packing her up isn’t as tough as it used to be – so we’ll be prepared for the next getaway adventure soon!

Thanks for stopping by!


A Getaway.

2 Aug

This past weekend I took a little me time and headed to the beach to read and relax. There’s something about having your toes in the sand that just instantly calms me. In order to not waste a whole bunch of money on a beach getaway I took a quick trip to a somewhat local beach that’s only an hour away.

It was nice to take my mind off of things for a while and watch the world around me.

After couple of hours there, I came back refreshed and renewed! I organized my schedule for this month, made a list of things I want to accomplish, and set some budgeting goals. Feels good to be back on track!

What do you do to getaway?

Thanks for stopping by!

Love Always,