Tag Archives: chain

The Countdown Begins!

16 Jul

Emma’s birthday is just around the corner and this weekend we made her a paper chain so she could see just how many days away it is!

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Ignore the goofy faces throughout if you can! Emma was in a weird goofy mood 😛 So I pulled out paper, scissors, scrapbooking glue, and I didn’t really need anything else 😉 The pen was to entertain Emma if she got bored.

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I folded it in half (hot dog way 😉 haha)

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And again just to make the guided lines. These in no way shape or form need to be pretty since your child is just going to rip them up each day.
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After unfolding it I just cut each strip out to how many days I needed.

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I like to use multiple colors so it’s easy to see which is the next chain.

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Take the scrapbook glue and run it along one side folding it into a circle and pushing it so it sticks.

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Slide the next piece in the ring and repat until you’ve used all your pieces!

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Emma was excited as I explained it to her. We counted how many rings and jumped up and down at the excitement that it’s not too far away!!

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Each morning we are going to wake up and rip off one more!

Do you remember doing this when you were a kid? I am pretty sure I made a million of these chains for all different occasions!